Trail running
The UTMB is one of the worlds most prestigious trail running events

The UTMB is one of the worlds most prestigious trail running events. Starting in Chamonix, France, the race travels through 3 countries as athletes make their way around the majesticMont Blanc. For athlete Scott Hawker, this race has always held a special place in his heart. From the moment he heard about the race it has continued to inspire him, driving him to competenot only against the worlds best athletes, but also against himself. Having finished 3rd in the UTMB in 2019, and 2nd in the CCC in 2021, Scott returns to Chamonix once again, in search of his “perfect race.” CHASING THE PERFECT RACE. Featuring Scotty Hawker. A rumblr production. Presented by Kailas.
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